Oct 4, 2014

Irons in the Fire

What a day! Today was move in day at our county fair. There is 35 minutes left in this day so I am barely getting my blog in today, but by golly I am getting it done. #write31days

It is after 11pm and I am ironing a turtleneck if that tells you anything, and trying to think about what to write. When you resort to ironing after 11pm on a Saturday night it tells you something....you need more time and a friend willing to watch you iron so you can catch up.

So when you are short on time and have a list of to-do's longer than when you began your day you need  wine....just kidding but not really.

We all have crazy days  so keep what you can simple and don't stress about the small things. Enjoy this recipe that is nothing to stress over and it will keep your kids bellies full, smiles on their faces and time for you to catch up on ironing turtlenecks.

Heavenly Ham Sandwiches

6 pound bone in ham
8 ounces yellow mustard
1 pound brown sugar
24 dinner rolls

Cook ham in a crock pot (be sure to use a crock pot liner for easy cleanup). Cover with water. Cook 8-10 hours on simmer. Remove and cool. Shred  ham and put back in crock pot. Stir in sugar and mustard. Cover and cook on low just until heated.  Serve on dinner rolls.

In honor of this ham recipe take a few minutes to watch this fun clip to learn more about who is raising the ham you buy in the grocery.
Meet an Ohio Ham Farmer and my friend Mike!

1 comment:

Sara's House HD said...

I hit post with only 5 minutes to spare that night! Nothing like last minute! :)