Feb 17, 2014

A Powerful Program in Agriculture: AgriPower

It was 2011 and I had a lot going on in my life. I worked full time, was starting up a new business, raising two kids and then you add in what I call “Farm Crossfit”  — the farm chores.  At the time, Sandy Kuhn was in charge of AgriPower Institute and we began to chat about the AgriPower program. It sounded like a very exciting learning opportunity, but I was so busy, I was not sure I could add one more thing to my plate. I decided to bite the bullet and apply.

I was selected and received a tuition scholarship from several commodity organizations that covered my participation costs. In the program, I met some of the most amazing people in Ohio agriculture. Our class was diverse in age and in their involvement in agriculture. Some worked in agribusiness, some were full time farmers and others just had an interest in agriculture and politics. When I began the program, I did not know one person in my class. By the end of the first morning session, I had an entirely new group of friends in agriculture.

I not only learned about our government, business practices and agriculture, but I learned about myself and how to better contribute to Ohio agriculture and explore other farming operations. During this class I developed the network and skills to set out on my own personal agricultural journey. I truly believe that AgriPower laid the groundwork for me to start conversations with people about food and farming. As a result, I have had unbelievable opportunities to attend USFRA events and CommonGround media events all over the country and share my story with hundreds of thousands of people through my blog, TV, radio and speaking engagements.
I had the opportunity to participate in a National TV and Radio
media tour sharing about Agriculture. I met LaVell Winsor
a farmer from Kansas. Check out her blog

I strongly encourage you to take the time out of your already busy life to not only learn how you can benefit from this program, but how others can benefit from you and your story. We all have so much to offer in our own unique way. Our class was fun and we became a close group of friends. We are spread out all over the state yet we are always there as a resource, reference and a support system for each other. I am so proud to know my classmates in AgriPower IV. Some of my classmates have gone on to serve on state and national commodity boards, major job advancements, Township Trustees and work on political campaigns. It was an honor to be selected as a participant in this program and I encourage you to take the time and accept the challenge to be an AgriPower participant!
Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others. —Jack Welch

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