Mar 28, 2012

Campbell Parker and Cattle!

Friends of ours Tom and Susie Turner, live in a neighboring county and raise shorthorn cattle. We were going over for dinner and of course the kids love to see their cattle. When you have livestock there is always something that needs done. When people come to our house they usually know they will be put to work or do something that they would not normally do when being invited for dinner by a friend. This is something that is very common among livestock owners. We go prepared with muck boots and work clothes.

This particular day our friends were putting the final touches on a portable shed for the baby calves out in the pasture. The tractor drug the shed out into one of the fields, to provide shelter for the young calves.

One of the local FFA chapters happened to be visiting too. There were judging a few groups of heifers (female calves) to prepare for their upcoming FFA judging contest. They place the heifers in order from best to less desirable. They talk about why they made the placements they did and then listed to Dr. Turner who happens to be the retired Ohio State University Livestock Judging Team Coach. He shared with them some tips and pointers.

Campbell got right in and determined which heifer she liked the best. Ear tag 91 was Campbell’s instant pal. Parker liked the cattle but he seemed to be more interested in the 4 wheeler and figuring out how to open and close all the gates.

What better way to spend a Sunday evening on a spring day than sharing it with your family and friends looking and talking about agriculture. We ended the evening eating lasagna eventually then back out to make the evening rounds checking the calves.

1 comment:

Katie Olthoff said...

oh my, that is one cute little girl! She looks so much like you!

And I'm with Campbell. I want some cattle, too. :)